Do you know that you need only a few steps for your daily skincare routine? the key is to pick the one that suits your skin conditions, for example, choose an active ingredient that helps improve your problem or select the formulation that matches your skin type. 🌸 Start with a cleanser, which helps remove […]
Category Archives: Lifestyle
Usually, people think of a skincare product or facial treatment regarding skin health. However, sometimes the root cause could come from daily behaviour like eating salty food, low-quality sleep or your stress level. Holistic Beauty is an all-encompassing approach to a healthy body, mind, and soul, which will ultimately result in healthier, radiant skin. 🧡 […]
Harmony Clinic would like to introduce you to a 4 easy steps skincare routine. Proper skin care is critical because our skin is the most significant barrier against harmful elements, and works hard every day to protect us. 💗 ☀️ Morning 1. Cleanse the skin so it is prepared for hydration. 2. Use toner to […]
‘Collagen’ is one of the most crucial protein compounds for the skin. It forms a scaffold that provides strength and structure within each layer. Most of the time, you will see people and skincare products trying to boost skin’s ‘Collagen’ level to maintain the youthfulness appealing. However, there are some surprising facts about ‘Collagen’ you […]
🥀 The product might not match your age and skin condition. Moreover, skincare products are meant to use as a preventive solution. For example, if you start applying the cream after the wrinkles appear, it will reduce the efficiency. ⠀ 🥀 The consistency, both applying and the product itself. Skincare products require a specific time […]
Acne Scars — The result of acne blemish inflammation, which leaves red or dark spots and, in some cases, deeper scars. 👉It can occur not only on your face but also on other parts of your body such as your back, chest, and buttocks. ⠀ Stretch Marks — A type of scar that forms when […]
HIFU’ a better solution for Face Lifting and Tightening HIFU – High-intensity focused ultrasound facial, a nonsurgical treatment for facial lifting. HIFU uses targeted ultrasound technology to direct sound waves through the skin to the deeper layers, SMAS (Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic system). 🧡 SMAS is one of the most critical facial and […]
How Many Units of Botox Do You Need? A Beginner’s Guide to Natural-Looking Botox✨✨ ‘Botox’ is used to treat certain muscular conditions and also used to eliminate wrinkles by paralyzing muscles temporarily cosmetically. ⠀ However, too much Botox can dramatically affect facial expression. The face is simply frozen, showing an odd-looking permanent smile […]
4-Steps face wash for reducing facial acne! ✨✨ Besides applying skincare product, a face washing technique also help control acne breakout. While washing your face, a gentle sweep along the hairline will reduce the spawn rate of cogged acne, which can develop into inflammatory acne. 💖 Step 1 : Work the face […]
Protecting Your Skin From Damage With “Antioxidant” ✨✨ Both internal and external factors can trigger oxidant. Which is the cause of damage to various cells in the body, such as wrinkles on the skin o r a variety of skin problems. The body’s natural process for producing antioxidants to prevent cell damage already […]