Diode Hair Removal Laser Compared To IPL And Long Pulse Nd: YAG


Getting rid of unnecessary hair on the body has always been a big concern for women all over the world; Moreover, due to the increased awareness about aesthetics and hygiene, the trend has also gained a lot of popularity amongst men.  The common ways which are often used to get rid of excess hair are either shaving, or plucking, or even threading – however, all these methods are painful and temporary. An effective replacement of such hair removal method is the use of painless hair removal lasers like the Diode Laser.


What is a Diode Hair Removal Laser?


Diode Hair Removal Laser is an effective technique that helps you get rid of the unnecessary hair on the body while also protecting the skin underneath. IT works by using laser light which targets the melanin found inside the hair follicle and results in the removal of the hair follicles.

The Diode Laser Hair Removal may require multiple appointments, depending on the area of the body being treated. Moreover, it may also require individual hair to be targeted at a time to ensure a completely hair-free and smooth skin area. While it may be able to achieve evident results in 3 to 5 sessions, it may sometimes require between 7 to 10 sessions more permanent results. (1)


How Does It Differ From IPL?


IPL, which stands for Intense Pulse Light, is another hair removal technology that differs from the Diode Hair Removal Laser at multiple levels. Firstly, unlike the Diode Hair Removal Laser, IPL is not a hair removal laser and uses a broad spectrum of light to achieve its effects on the hair follicles. Secondly, the light energy used is a combination of numerous wavelengths, which leads it to cause unfocused energy on the hair follicles and surrounding skin. This leads to a greater wastage of energy, unlike the laser technology in Diode, which is highly focused. Another difference between the two is that IPL may require long-term treatment and a greater number of sessions, unlike Diode, which may show evident results in 3 to 5 sessions. (2)


How Does It Differ From Long Pulse Nd: YAG?


The Long Pulse Nd: YAG, which stands for Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet, is another laser technology that is popularly used for its ability to cause hair removal on the body. It works by using an active medium emission source like Aluminum or Yttrium, which are then targeted at the hair follicles. It is able to bypass the melanin in the skin and reaches the melanin in the hair follicles, making it deeply penetrating.  However, what makes it different from the Diode Laser is that while the Long Pulse Nd: YAG is a solid-state laser, the Diode Laser is a semiconductor laser. On the whole, Nd: YAG is comparatively more painful than Diode Laser and may burn dark skin tones due to the high levels of melanin contained in them. Moreover, due to the low melanin in lighter skin tones, it may not be as effective as Diode laser for these individuals.  (3)



  1. Lou WW, Quintana AT, Geronemus RG, Grossman MC. Prospective study of hair reduction by diode laser (800 nm) with long-term follow-up. Dermatol Surg. 2000 May;26(5):428-32. doi: 10.1046/j.1524-4725.2000.99260.x. Erratum in: Dermatol Surg 2000 Nov;26(11):1084. PMID: 10816229.
  2. El Bedewi AF. Hair removal with intense pulsed light. Lasers Med Sci. 2004;19(1):48-51. doi: 10.1007/s10103-004-0298-6. Epub 2004 Jul 1. PMID: 15278721.
  3. Alster TS, Bryan H, Williams CM. Long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser-assisted hair removal in pigmented skin: a clinical and histological evaluation. Arch Dermatol. 2001 Jul;137(7):885-9. PMID: 11453807.


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